The current document will present information regarding activation, configuration and usage of Gift Cards.
1. Activate Gift Card Functionality
1.1. Login to POS, click Configurations.
1.2. Click Gift Cards.
1.3. Click Settings.
1.4. Activate Gift Cards with Enable Gift Cards.
- Select the Family number associated with the Gift Card Item to act as a trigger.
- Select the Method of Payment used to redeem the Gift Cards.
2. Create the Gift Card Item
2.1. Login to Inventory Module, click on Articles:
2.2. Click on top menu option Article, then New.
2.3. Complete the most important fields, as marked below.
Full Name / Short Name - This description will be visible when finding the item and also on the guest ticket.
Warehouse - Where the Gift Card will be stored so it can be found later when selling.
Family - This is the trigger for activating the gift card. Also will be a header for the reports.
Search Group - Link with POS module, will be used as a menu to find the item for selling.
Sales Group - Link between Concept and Hotel system. Mapping related.
Sales Price - Gift Card Value to be purchased by the client, the amount can be set with or without the tax. It will automatically be adjusted according to the tax filed selected.
As previously advised, the field Family will act as the trigger for the gift card, make sure to select the same one as in the family number, when enable Gift Cards.
Each Gift Card type will require their own item. As per example below, the gift card will be set with amount 500.00

3. Setup Gift Card
3.1. Login to POS Module, click configurations.
3.2. Click Gift Cards.
3.3. Click Templates.
3.4. Click New.
3.5. Setup Gift Card
- Search and find the gift card Item, previously created in Inventory module.
- Single Use, when set to Yes, the gift card can only be use one time, regardless if the amount was fully used.
- Usage Limit, even if single use is set to No, there is still the possibility to limit the Gift card usage amount.
- Validity in Days, can setup an expiration period, for example if it as validity of one year, the setup would be 365 days. If its not fully used after one year, it will change status to expired.
- Gift card Value, amount to be redeemed.
3.5.1. There are 2 types of Gift Cards available to be configured.
- Value Only, the value defined can be redeemed for any item.
- Activity and Retail, restrictions can be added for the gift card being redeemed on a specific item or group.
As per example below I have done the configuration to include the one Full body massage, using Add + by Article, and one Spa Retail item (any), using Add + by Group.
Option Add OR, will make guest choose between two items and/or Groups.
Option Duplicate, allows to duplicate the same line, in scenario where it would be necessary to add five Full body massage, this would save time.
Once the template is saved and Gift Card used, we strongly recommend not to change any of the above configurations and simply make a brand new configuration.
How to use Gift Cards
1. Guest Gift Card Purchase
1.1. Login to POS, click in Profile Sales.

1.2. Find the Guest Profile and click Profile Sale.

1.3. In the sale screen, use the search group menu to find the Gift Cards available, select the gift card and click add Article.
1.4. The Concept Gift Card Purchase will be prompted.
Ext. Ref. , will be the reference identify the gift card, should follow a sequence to avoid duplication.
Purchaser, will be the guest that is buying the gift card, click the magnifying lens to find or change the profile;
Recipient , will be the guest who will redeem the gift card, click the magnifying lens to find, change or create the profile.
1.5. Select the method of payment Purchaser is going to use (cash, visa, amex, others). Click Print to close the sale.
2. Guest Gift Card Redemption
2.1. The sale is now being done using the Recipient profile. When paying, select method of payment defined previously during activation process, as per our example will be Gift Card.
- It will prompt a list of gift cards available to be redeemed. Select and click OK.
2.2. The Gift card Redemption will be presented. Use Redeem for assigning the gift card amount.
In the same screen there is also search options for Ext. Ref. , Serial No. purchaser and Recipient which can be used to locate a different Gift Card.
If the Gift card amount is not enough to settle the bill, system will ask if client would like to use a second Gift Card or rather pay the remaining amount with a different Method of Payment.
2.3. On the sale screen, click Print to complete the sale.
How to consult Gift card information
1. In Profile Sales, click Gift Cards.
2. Search for the Gift Card and find its details on the bottom.
By Click the Modify option, will be able to change Gift Card Status and Validity.