SPA Workstation Check List
The present document will provide information on how to activate the local parameters, after installing a new Spa workstation.
Spa Module
- Login to Spa Module, click in Settings.
- Navigate to Application Parameters --» Global Options
- Use the options available from the drop down to select the default fields.

- Navigate to Application Parameters --» Visual Option
- Set Daily Notes Popup Options to Only for Current Date.
- Set Agenda Column Width to User Defined.
- Set Agenda Time Format according to the base Country.
POS Module
1. Login to POS Module, click in
- Click Application Parameters
- To activate Interface, navigate to Interfaces --» Plugin, select Fidelio from the drop-down options.
- If Property have different POS Location, navigate to Main --» Poscode, insert the code number.
- To activate Spa check-out from POS, navigate to Main --» Useprolessons, select option enabled.
- To print more than 1 ticket, navigate to Directprint --» Nways inset the number of tickets to be printed.
SPA Packages
- To activate, click Packages.
- Under Package Article ID, search and select the package item..
- Option Sell at zero price
In the sale screen, reports, and guest ticket, it will present package name with zero value and activities with their respective values. The interface mapping will be done according to each of the package activities sale group
- Option Merge overall price on Check
In the sale screen and reports, the package name will present zero value and the activities with their respective values; the guest ticket will present the package name with its value and activities with zero value. The interface mapping will be done according to each of the package activities sale group.
- Option Hide Item details on Check
In the sale screen and reports, the package name will present zero value and the activities with their respective values; the guest ticket will present only the package name and its value, activities will not be showing. The interface mapping will be done according to each of the package activities sale group.
- Option Show Package Activities in Guest Check
In the sale screen, reports, and guest ticket, it will present package name with zero value and activities with their respective values. The interface mapping will be done according to Package item sale group.
- With no option selected, in the sale screen and reports, it will present the package name with its value and activities with zero value; the guest ticket will present only the package name and its value, activities will not be showing. The interface mapping will be done according to Package item sale group.
3. POS Tickets
- For configuration, click in Tickets.
- Under Layout Selection drop-down menu, select the layout to be configured.
01- Extra ticket – for the green fee ticket
02- Shop ticket – Client receipt
03- Receipt – Used for example in cash advance, deposits
04- Other (Extra CS/CN) – For internal documents
05- Pre-ticket – Print a copy to show client
06- Report on ticket – Report
07- Operator close out – Report
08- Open cash Drawer – Activate Cash Drawer opening
- ESC Printer Names – Printer code instructions
- Windows Printers - Printers installed in the computer
Configuration will be required for layout 2 (Shop ticket), ESC Printer Names and Windows Printers.
For layouts 6,7 and 8, only required to assign ESC printer Names & Windows Printers